Brownie Cups

- Brownie Batter (your favorite brownie mix or recipe)
- Two Muffin Tins
- Cooking Spray
- Blue Ribbon Classics Vanilla Ice Cream
- Caramel Sauce
- Maraschino Cherries
- Pre-heat your oven according to the brownie mix or recipe
- Follow directions for your favorite mix or recipe to make the batter.
- Place in the heated oven & bake according to the brownie mix or recipe.
- While the brownies are baking, spray the bottom of the second muffin tin with cooking spray.
- Remove baked brownies from the oven and immediately press the second muffin tin into the brownies to form the brownie cups. Keep the second tin in place until the brownies cool completely.
- Once cooled, remove brownies from the muffin tins.
- Finally, add a scoop of Blue Ribbon Classics® Vanilla Ice Cream and top with caramel sauce and a maraschino cherry.